๐คRevolutionary NFT Integration
Web3 Marketplaces - NFTs can be sold across the web3 ecosystem through leading marketplaces bringing additional liquidity to the game.
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Web3 Marketplaces - NFTs can be sold across the web3 ecosystem through leading marketplaces bringing additional liquidity to the game.
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Magic 2 Master elevates in-game items to NFTs, making every weapon, artefact, and piece of armour a unique, tradable asset. This means thousands of NFT types from the common to the extremely rare. Both Web2 or Web3 players will use, trade and hunt for these items, realising their value across third-party marketplaces but also in the in-game auction house. The advantage of Web3 is that it offers players additional places to trade.
In-game Auction House - Web2 or Web3 users can sell an item in the in-game auction house. If they have built their own shop, sellers and buyers may find better deals. Unique and fun dynamics will make this an essential part of the game for all players.